Quantum Living Freedom Program | Evelyn Foreman

How to Effectively Manage Your Emotions and Reactions When Dealing with Challenging Individuals Without Letting Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back, Even If You Fear Confrontation and Potential Backlash

Get out of the endless cycle of anxiety, self doubt and unfulfilled needs and Unlock the door to your personal freedom now.

Does this sound like you?

I find myself shutting down emotionally when confronted with conflict, which isn't healthy.

• I can't seem to control my anger when my coworker pushes my buttons.

• I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells around my partner, and it's exhausting.

• My mother-in-law is always criticizing my parenting decisions, and it's really getting to me.

What if things could be different?

What if you could free yourself
from limiting beliefs, patterns, and constructs of reality that have kept you stuck or small?

Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and hello to emotional resilience, heightened self-awareness, and the ability to embody positive change.

What if your personal reality aligns with your highest vision?

Doing this work facilitates the awareness of the quantum realm and opens you up to infinite possibilities. Step into the possibility of unencumbered freedom from anxiety, self-doubt, overwhelm, and unfulfilled needs.

What if you have the tools you need to navigate life's challenges with ease?

Our program brings together cutting-edge science-based research to holistically transform your life from the inside out to equip you with the tools and experiences you need to effectively and gracefully deal with conflict.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

As a result of this work, students:

Unlock your potential to master difficult relationships with our transformative approach to emotional intelligence and personal growth.

Learn to navigate the emotional landscapes of challenging interactions with empathy and understanding, while maintaining your own well-being.

Liberate themselves from unconscious limitations, fostering a holistic sense of well-being, authenticity, and purpose.

Empower yourself to communicate confidently, set firm boundaries, and build meaningful connections.

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Quantum Living Freedom Program

Free yourself from limiting beliefs, patterns, and constructs of reality that have kept you stuck or small. Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and hello to total freedom and transformation, emotional resilience, heightened self-awareness, and the ability to integrate and embody positive change.

Reduce Anxiety & Enhanced Self-Awareness: Learn self-regulation tools and techniques to lower anxiety and heighten self-awareness.

• Emotional Resiliency: Build resilience by navigating and transforming your emotional landscape.

• Authentic Action & Positive Change: Discover how to meet your needs effectively and take actions that reflect the positive change you wish to see in your life.

The Course Meets Virtually on Zoom for 6 weeks noted below.

When: Tuesday & Thursday, 5pm - 7pm EST [2pm - 4pm PST] :

👉🏼 (May/June Dates) 05/21 - 06/27

👉🏼 (July/August Dates) 07/09 - 08/15

👉🏼 (Aug.Sept/Oct Dates) 08/27 - 10/03

👉🏼 (Oct/Nov Dates) 10/15 - 11/20

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Join Us

Join us to cultivate the skills to lead, inspire, and thrive in both your personal and professional life. Transform your interactions and elevate your relationships today!


12 Live Transformative Sessions

Engage in 6 weeks of live deep-dive virtual teaching sessions where you will learn proven strategies to master emotional intelligence in dealing with challenging individuals.

Get access to recorded sessions for your convenience and continuous learning.

Value: $1,997


Empowering Interaction Experience

Participate in weekly small group interactions, Q&A sessions, and hot seat opportunities to practice and embody what you learn.

Connect with like-minded individuals who are on the same journey towards emotional intelligence mastery.

Value: $1,997


Thriving Community Connection

Join a dedicated community group and message thread for ongoing support and group communication beyond the course.

Stay connected with your fellow participants and continue to grow and learn together.

Value: $1,497


Weekly Pocket Coaching

Dynamic Coaching sessions offer concise, powerful transpersonal coaching insights to keep you motivated and on track throughout your transformative journey, accessible anytime, anywhere.

Receive resources, tips and tools to better navigate difficult situations.

Value: $997


Bi Weekly Coaching Check In Sessions

Amplify the transformative experience by receiving continuous, flexible, and personalized support while fostering a community of shared growth and learning. Fifteen-minute bi-weekly one-on-one check in sessions with your coach can significantly enhance the experience of individuals undergoing a shadow work transformational program.

Value: $1,497


2 Personalized 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Working with a personal transpersonal coach who is also an ordained minister and specializes in Quantum Living coaching for two 60 minute session offers a deeply enriching and holistic path to personal growth, combining spiritual depth, emotional support, and practical strategies for living a more fulfilled life.

Value: $697


Confront External Triggers

Phase One:
Confront external triggers from judgments or discordant behaviors, understanding their impact.

Value: $997


Uncover Internal Triggers

Phase Two:
Turn inward to face and heal from self-criticism and judgments that fuel shame and anxiety..

Value: $997


Transmute Triggers from the Root

Phase Three:

Trace these triggers to their roots in your past to shift neural patterns and emotional associations.

Value: Priceless

A total value of: (Amount)

Buy/Enroll/Join now for just (Amount)

A total value of: ($12,000)

Enroll now for just $1,600

Select the plan that works for you:

Payment Plan

12 Sessions in 6 Weeks - LIVE Instructionand experience, delivered virtually, as described.

Includes all course materials and the Art of Quantum Living Course Workbook.

Included Bonus: Enjoy 6 Weekly Inspiring Pocket Coaching Sessions, directly delivered to your phone.

Included Bonus: Coaching & Community.

1:1 Personalized Coaching

All sessions are recorded.

One Payment

12 Sessions in 6 Weeks - LIVE Instructionand experience, delivered virtually, as described.

Includes all course materials and the Art of Quantum Living Course Workbook.

Included Bonus: Enjoy 6 Weekly Inspiring Pocket Coaching Sessions, directly delivered to your phone.

Included Bonus: Coaching & Community.

1:1 Personalized Coaching

All sessions are recorded.

Still on the fence about it?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you join us and you’re not satisfied here is what we’ll offer you...

You may attend and repeat every course session this course is held - FREE. If you attend every class live, earnestly do the work, complete the exercises, interact with the class, coach and course materials, attend all coaching sessions, and do not experience a transformation, we do not want your money.

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