
Individual Coaching

Is It the Right Fit for You?

Coaching is a deeply personal journey, and it isn’t for everyone.

It requires partnership, trust, and a strong connection between us. As your coach, I believe in an equal investment in your growth and success. This work is about you, and it must feel like the right fit. Before we begin, I invite you to explore more about my approach and values.


And I’ll Help You See What You Can’t See

My mission is to help you unlock your inner wisdom and transform areas where you may feel stuck—whether it’s money, relationships, or personal growth.

Together, we’ll dive deep into shadow work, uncovering the hidden parts of yourself that might be holding you back.

By shining light on what has been abandoned or suppressed, we turn your shadows into sources of strength and insight.

I’ll Help You See What You Can’t See

My mission is to help you unlock your inner wisdom and transform areas where you may feel stuck—whether it’s money, relationships, or personal growth.

Together, we’ll dive deep into shadow work, uncovering the hidden parts of yourself that might be holding you back.

By shining light on what has been abandoned or suppressed, we turn your shadows into sources of strength and insight.

Right Place, Right Time = Divine Appointment

This process requires readiness. If you’re willing to do the inner shadow work and take action, the transformation you seek is possible. You already hold the power to change your life—let’s unlock it together.

I am here to help you see beyond the surface and position yourself for deep, meaningful success. Beyond the day-to-day challenges and goals lies a deeper layer of your psyche that shapes your reality.

Through shadow work, I’ll guide you to uncover the hidden beliefs, fears, and self-sabotaging patterns that may be holding you back.

Through coaching, I helpDivider you work through all the hidden parts of yourself—especially around money and childhood experiences—so you can heal, recover, and bring those pieces back together.

This helps you feel more grounded, confident, and able to stand strong as your true, authentic self without apology.

By bringing these aspects to light, we transform them into sources of strength, allow you to step fully into your highest potential.

Specialized Coaching Sessions

Sessions are held in English via Zoom or phone. Depending on my availability and travel schedule, I may also offer in-person sessions locally. Let’s work together to bring out the highest, most noble version of You.

You have two options for working with me:

One-on-One Coaching

Private and personalized 1:1 coaching. We’ll co-create a program specifically tailored to your unique needs and goals.

If you are interested in learning more about

1:1 coaching, please schedule a 10 minute conversation

to determine if coaching is right for you.

Group Coaching

Coming Home to Your Highest Most Noble Self - acquire insights in Community, a small group environment.

If you are a group or organization looking for more coherence and unity in communication, abundance consciousness and team building, I can help. Please contact me here.

Sessions are held in English via Zoom or phone. Depending on my availability and travel schedule, I may also offer in-person sessions locally. Let’s work together to bring out the highest, most noble version of You.

A Holistic Approach: Treating the Cause and Not the Symptom

The work we do is more than just reaching goals—it’s about aligning your life with your truest self.

We’ll work together to remove internal obstacles, elevate your performance from the inside out, and position you for sustained growth in every area of your life—personal, spiritual, and professional.

Whatever you’re going through—especially during transitions like building a new career, navigating changes in relationships, embracing an empty nest, or rediscovering your passions—these can be pivotal moments to shift your mindset around money and prosperity. 

Unlock Your Abundant Potential: Aligning Identity, Beliefs, and Prosperity

I guide you to explore the deeper connections between your identity, your beliefs, and your relationship with abundance. Whether you’re seeking financial freedom, improving your relationships, or simply craving more fulfillment, our work together will provide the clarity and tools to shift into a prosperous, abundant mindset. 

We’ll lay the foundation for lasting success, helping you confidently step into the next chapter of your life, fully aligned with your purpose and ready to attract abundance in all areas—career, money, and beyond.

A Holistic Approach: Treating the Cause and Not the Symptom

Through abundance consciousness training and high-performance coaching combined with deep shadow work, we’ll tackle both the internal and external barriers that keep you from fully stepping into your success.

This approach addresses your mindset, beliefs, and actions, ensuring not just short-term results but lasting transformation at the core of who you are.

Together, we’ll integrate every part of you—your strengths, potential, and authentic self—into the abundant life and career you truly desire. Let’s unlock the path to your prosperity and fulfillment.

Are You Ready to Grow Exponentially?

It’s time to make your impossible goals possible! Together, we’ll unlock your highest potential, break through limitations, and set you on a path of transformation that goes beyond what you thought was achievable. Let’s turn those dreams into reality—starting now.

I recognize that each person’s journey is unique, and so are their needs. That’s why all coaching packages are exclusively tailored to meet your specific goals, challenges, and personal growth areas.

Our work together is designed to align with your highest potential and help you create lasting transformation from the inside out.

If you’re ready to explore how I can support you on your journey, I invite you to book a free 30-minute virtual coffee session via our calendar.

During this time, we’ll discuss your goals, how we can work together, and the possibilities for your transformation. Let’s start by exploring what’s possible for you.


Impossible -> I'm POSSIBLE

Personalized Coaching is For You If:

You’re ready to say goodbye to what’s holding you back and uncover your unique “superpower.

You want to improve your confidence and deepen your spiritual growth.

You’re seeking clarity about your passion and are ready to take action toward a new career path or business.

You’re ready to upgrade your personal “operating system” and create the life and career you truly desire.

​Coaching with me involves real action. It’s about taking that first step and being ready to fully commit to meeting your goals. If you’re prepared to level up your life and dive into your next chapter with clarity and confidence, this is the perfect opportunity.

Some fun facts about me...

I came close to death at least 2 times in my life

I love it when people ask me why I love sci-fi and documentaries

Knitting, crochet, puzzles, cooking, painting, dancing, singing, board games, gardening, cherades, pictionary ...count me in!

I got lost when I was 6 years old in downtown Los Angeles and I found my way home after getting on and off the bus by myself.

(Who does that?)

I am Chinese American, born in Vietnam, descendant of the Hakkanese people of Canton. China. From where does your ancestral lineage originate?

I was born during the war in Vietnam and was a refugee when I emigrated to America. I was 5 years.


Mentorship by Invitation Only

Mentorship is a special and deeply transformative offering that I reserve for those who have already worked with me through coaching. This allows us to establish a strong foundation and ensures that our mentoring relationship is the right fit for both of us.

As your mentor, I’ll continue to guide you on a deeper, more personal level, sharing insights, experience, and wisdom that will support your long-term growth. This ongoing partnership will help you not only reach your goals but expand your vision of what’s possible.

If you’re interested in exploring mentorship after coaching, please inquire to learn more. We can discuss whether this next step aligns with your path and goals.

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