
My Story

Welcome to a space where faith, love, fearlessness, and possibility come together. My name is Evelyn Foreman, and I am here to walk with you on your journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. As an ordained Unity minister, my work is rooted in New Thought principles that teach us to recognize our divine potential and live from a place of abundance. I believe deeply in the power of love—an infinite, universal presence that is always available to us. And I know, with every fiber of my being, that challenges are not obstacles; they are ACCESS POINTS to our greatness - the chisels that shape us into the most authentic and powerful versions of ourselves.

What is a Transpersonal Mindset Mentor?

As a Transpersonal Mindset Mentor, I work with the whole self—mind, body, and spirit—helping you uncover subconscious patterns, including limiting beliefs about money. Through shadow work, meditation, and quantum coaching, I guide you in transforming inner blocks into empowerment, so you can live from a place of abundance, freedom, and joy.”

Under “Love is my Religion” Add the following: (Make sure the spacing is easy to read)

I am not a drop in the ocean; I am the entire ocean in a drop, as are you, my friend.

My journey has led me to become a transpersonal guide because I believe it’s essential to remember that we are integrated beings—mind, body, and spirit.

True transformation comes from honoring and balancing all aspects of ourselves, and it’s through this holistic approach that we can fully realize our potential.

My own life is a testament to this truth. I was born in post-war Vietnam and separated from my father at the age of five. I almost didn’t survive the journey to America, coming close to death on the boat.

When I was finally reunited with my father at 14, I witnessed him battling alcoholism and the horrors of domestic violence. It was a time marked by uncertainty, fear, and heartache. My mother, who had always been my guiding light, passed away from a stroke when I was just 16.

I could have been broken by these experiences, but instead, they became the very fuel that ignited my faith and fearlessness.

Emotional Intelligence

For years, I found myself cycling through what felt like endless hero’s journeys, wondering why life kept pushing me to the brink. Now, I no longer ask why—I simply give thanks.

Every challenge, every heartbreak, every moment of suffering was a divine invitation to grow, to rise, and to step more fully into my purpose.

What I’ve come to understand is this: life is not about surviving; it’s about thriving. It’s about saying yes—yes to love, yes to abundance, and yes to showing up in the front seat of your own life. We are not victims of circumstance.

We are co-creators with the divine, with infinite potential to live a life that reflects the deepest desires of our hearts.This belief is at the core of my work. As a Unity minister and spiritual guide, I produce programs that help you live a love-abundant life from the inside out. Whether you're focused on improving your health, growing your wealth, or cultivating more fulfilling relationships, the journey begins with the relationship you have with yourself and with the divine.

Emotional Intelligence

The power to create the life you want already resides within you—waiting to be awakened, nurtured, and expressed.

Emotional Intelligence

I am also a registered yoga instructor. The practice and philosophy of yoga have profoundly shaped me, teaching me the importance of integration and embodiment.

No amount of intellectual knowing is as powerful as fully living and embodying these truths in your everyday life. Yoga has shown me that true transformation happens not just in the mind but through the body, breath, and spirit working as one.

My mission is to help you remember this truth. I am here to guide you, to walk alongside you as you uncover your potential, face your fears, and step into the fullness of who you are.

My programs are designed to not only teach you new skills but to transform the way you see yourself and your relationship to the world around you. It’s about shifting from doubt to faith, from fear to boldness, and from lack to abundance.I’ve lived through many storms, but what I’ve learned is that the storms don’t define us—it’s how we choose to stand in them that shapes our lives. And I choose to stand in faith, in love, and in fearlessness. I choose to see every experience as an opportunity for growth, and I invite you to do the same.

Emotional Intelligence

If this resonates with you, if you feel that spark within, I invite you to connect with me. Let’s have a conversation—a heart-to-heart about where you are and where you want to go.

You can book a 10-minute coffee chat with me here, and together, we’ll explore the possibilities that await you when you say yes to living fully, fearlessly, and with a heart wide open.

Emotional Intelligence

I am here to serve, not because I have all the answers, but because I have walked the path of transformation and know the power of faith, love, and possibility.

Life is too short to play small. The time to step into your power is NOW, and I am honored to walk with you as you claim the abundant life that is already yours.

Let’s begin this journey together. Say yes.

Some fun facts about me...

I came close to death at least 2 times in my life

I love it when people ask me why I love sci-fi and documentaries

Knitting, crochet, puzzles, cooking, painting, dancing, singing, board games, gardening, cherades, pictionary ...count me in!

I got lost when I was 6 years old in downtown Los Angeles and I found my way home after getting on and off the bus by myself.

(Who does that?)

I am Chinese American, born in Vietnam, descendant of the Hakkanese people of Canton. China. From where does your ancestral lineage originate?

I was born during the war in Vietnam and was a refugee when I emigrated to America. I was 5 years.

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