Option 1

Monthly Session (4 sessions a month)

With a monthly package of 4 transpersonal, holistic 60-minute sessions, you won’t have to start over each time. Instead, we’ll build consistency and momentum to dive deeper into your growth and healing. Regular sessions allow us to address multiple areas of your life with continuity, ensuring you stay on track and aligned with your goals.

You’ll have ongoing support, accountability, and the opportunity for tailored guidance, as we check in and refine your progress along the way. This package is perfect for those committed to long-lasting transformation and creating real, meaningful change from the inside out.

4 sessions (60 minutes): $500

Some fun facts about me...

I came close to death at least 2 times in my life

I love it when people ask me why I love sci-fi and documentaries

Knitting, crochet, puzzles, cooking, painting, dancing, singing, board games, gardening, cherades, pictionary ...count me in!

I got lost when I was 6 years old in downtown Los Angeles and I found my way home after getting on and off the bus by myself.

(Who does that?)

I am Chinese American, born in Vietnam, descendant of the Hakkanese people of Canton. China. From where does your ancestral lineage originate?

I was born during the war in Vietnam and was a refugee when I emigrated to America. I was 5 years.

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